Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Place a white seven-day candle in the window to guide the Dead to the Spirit World. Light the candle and say:
"O little flame that burns so bright 
be a beacon on this night. 
Light the path for all the Dead, 
that they may see now what's ahead. 
And lead them to the Summerland
and shine until Pan takes their hands.
And with Your light,
please bring them peace,
that they may rest and sleep with ease."
Because this is a time of endings, magick is often performed to get rid of unsavory personal characteristics or break bad habits. Just write the characteristic trait or habit on a piece of paper, light it, and toss it into the cauldron or fireproof dish, saying:
"I burn this trait now from my life
Upon this sacred Samhain night.
It is gone from me at last,
Just a memory from the past."
Since this is the beginning of the dark time of the year, say goodbye to the Sun and wish Him well as He rests now until the time of His rebirth on Yule. At the end of ritual, include a farewell by saying:
"Farewell, Dear Sun, Who warms the Earth,
Who, with Your Light, brings joy and mirth,
Close your eyes now - go to sleep.
Rest peacefully in Darkness,
deep Until the Yuletide fest begins.
And You are born to us again."
Then extinguish all candles to signify His absence.

To feed the Dead on their journey and gain their blessings, either leave or bury a few apples and a pomegranate outdoors after libation. As you leave the fruit say:

"O Fruit of Death and Fruit of Life,
Fruit that eases mortal strife.
Ease the hunger of the Dead.
Until They reach Their final stead,
Be food enough for everyone.
Until Their journey's fully done."

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