It's summer! Time for camping, hiking and getting outside to play. Don't let those pesky annoying ticks stop you. Here's how with a simple homemade solution!
Repellent for your pets:
For pets, add 1 cup of water to a spray bottle, followed by 2 cups of distilled white vinegar. Ticks hate the smell and taste of vinegar, and will be easily be repelled by this ingredient alone. Then, add two spoonfuls of vegetable or almond oil, which both contain sulfur (another natural tick repellent).
To make a repellent that will also deter fleas, mix in a few spoonfuls of lemon juice, citrus oil, or peppermint oil, any of which will repel ticks and fleas while also creating a nicely scented repellent. Spray onto the pet's dry coat, staying away from sensitive areas including eyes, nose, mouth, and genitals. When outdoors for an extended period, spray this solution on two to three times per day.
For you and your family:
In a spray bottle, mix 2 cups of distilled white vinegar and 1 cup of water. To make a scented solution so you do not smell like bitter vinegar all day, add 20 drops of your favorite essential oil.
Eucalyptus oil is a calm, soothing scent that also works as a tick repellent, while peppermint and citrus oils give off a strong crisp scent that also repel ticks.
After mixing the solution, spray onto clothing, skin, and hair before going outdoors. Reapply every four hours to keep ticks at bay, and examine your skin and hair when back inside to make sure no ticks are on the body.
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Trees have been known to hold magic and wisdom within them. A tree is a symbol of growth, strength and harmony. At times of uncertainty, we can turn to the advice from trees and nature around us... Choose a tree that speaks to you the most. Read the answer below to find out its personal message for you at this time. Please feel free to comment and SHARE!
The Apple tree is Mother Nature at her finest. It is a combination of supply, beauty and stability. For many years, the Apple tree has been a sacred and magical source of food and nourishment. It is a symbol of immorality and abundance. When the Apple tree calls to you, its purity and honesty ask you to stop and think about all that you have been blessed with. What are the blessings in your life? Even if it does not seem that you have many, you always have one to be thankful for - Life. The more gratitude that you feel, the more blessing will come your way. The Apple tree is a reminder to remove all of the blocks within your life that have not been serving you. Show fearlessness as you move forwards into your new life experiences. Mother Nature is always standing beside you. Show gratitude to her by spending time in nature.
The Ash tree is known as ‘The Old World Tree’, full of ancient magical wisdom and mystery. It is the symbol of power through sacrifice and struggle. Through the ages, the Ash tree has been the contributing factor to wizard’s magical wands or sorcerer’s staffs. When the Ash tree calls to you, it wants to remind you that your life does not need to be confined only to necessity. Your life should be filled with pleasure, imagination and happiness. You should feel the universe’s encouraging guide to living a life of ease and flow. It is time for you to trust life and take intuitive action that will help you expand your life experiences. The Ash tree brings you faith and magic. Awaken the idea that you are a being of creation and powerful change. There is no need for struggle and pain. Any obstacles that come into your path, you are the co-creator of. Think ease and flow, and if you believe, you shall receive.
The Birch tree is the absolute symbol of beauty and creativity within the forest. Birch represents new beginnings, establishing boundaries, renewal and purification of your current situation. This tree is strong and can withstand most temperatures; however it can shed its unwanted bark, just as a snake sheds its skin. When the Birch tree calls to you, it is asking you to cleanse and renew a current situation in your life. You have the power to heal and re-create anything you desire. Shed what does not serve you anymore. Leave old habits, old beliefs and negative energy behind you. It is the perfect time for a personal reinvention.
The strong and stable Cedar tree provides protection to so many living things. Its durability and endurance can last for hundreds and hundreds of years. The Cedar tree has quite a simplistic approach to life, much like the message it provides to you. If the Cedar tree calls to you, it is sharing wisdom of safety and healing. Remember that things are always simpler than they appear. You need to TRUST LIFE. Do not over think anything. Keep all things simple, clean and live guided by your heart. When you keep a balanced and uncluttered mind, you will find that you control the power to fix and heal any issue that might come up for you. When you decide to live with simplicity and confidence, you have a great chance of standing strong and living a long and healthy life.
The Cherry tree is a beautiful and fragrant symbol of fragility and life. The Cherry’s first stage is a perfect blossom that stays only a short time before transforming into a delicious and nutritious fruit. It is a perfect example that life is so very precious and short lived. When the Cherry tree calls to you, it is a message of happiness and life. Life is too short to be weighed down by negativity and heaviness. Your life is filled with such sweet and fruitful opportunities; you just have to become aware of them... to be able to take advantage of them. Enjoy the beautiful blossoms. Enjoy the peaceful transformation into rich bountiful fruit. Live everyday as though it is going to be the best day of your life. Your life is beautiful and precious. Carpe Diem!
The Cypress tree is a symbol of solitude and sacrifice. According to ancient stories, the Cypress tree has always been an example of sorrow and reservation. There is no overindulgence what so ever, as the Cypress tree limits its growth in flourishing. When the cypress tree calls to you, it sends a message of inner question. What are you sacrificing in your life? What are you giving up that would be aiding in your true happiness? You are the creator of your own life and only yours. Every individual should have the ability to play out their own journey and destiny. No one should ever be the ‘keeper’ of another. If you are feeling that you have been sacrificing yourself for another or vise versa; take a step back and examine what is really going on. The secret to life really is happiness. Every being on Earth should have the chance to experience it.
The Elm tree is an ancient symbol of friends, family and traditional values. An extremely powerful tree; its beauty also holds warrior like qualities. The Elm tree is full of loyalty. It is the symbol of wearing your heart on your sleeve. It is such a loyal and valuable example of fighting for what you want, even when you have lost all hope in a situation. Elm is a grounded and inspiring tree that stands up to all that looks down upon it. When the Elm tree calls to you, it is sending you a message of hope and resilience. If you believe in something, then it is worth taking a stand for. This world needs more passion towards the things you hold dear. If you are feeling as though you want to give up hope and cannot charge forward any longer, know that your determination and perseverance will pay off. If everyone gave up when things looked bleak, there would have never been any gold metals, any victories won or any major inventions. You too have the ability to stand for what you believe in and come out on top. The Elm tree is always with you for good luck.
For thousands and thousands of years, the Hawthorn tree and its naturally twisted trunk has been a symbol of optimism and mystery. Its promise of strength, renewal and friendship; provide a feeling of balance and ease to all that comes near it. It is the great barrier and protector. The Hawthorn tree symbolizes personal boundaries and personal growth. Like an old wizard with magic all around him, the Hawthorn encourages you to stay confident and powerful through your own personal journeys. When this tree calls to you, it wishes to provide you with a message of adventure and taking action. If you are faced with a challenge at this time, it is important for you to think outside the box. Things can always be approached from another angle. There is always another way.
The Hazelnut tree is a symbol of creativity, passion and craftsmanship. An example of instinct and change, this tree reminds you that you can always turn over a new leaf. You can change anything at any time, even if it is only your perspective on the matter. Darkness can be turned to light. Sadness can be turned to happiness. You can find renewed meaning in any situation. If the Hazelnut tree calls to you, its message is to encourage a new vision. Someone’s garbage is another man’s treasure. It is all about how you look at things. Enjoy every journey in which you create something new. The creation is just as important as the product itself. Turn to family and friends for extra support.
The Maple tree is magical and colorful as it ages with grace and kindness. Such profound beauty and gratitude it shows the Earth from which it grows. The Maple tree is the symbol of practical magic and mystery. When the Maple tree calls to you, it sends you the message, that you too hold the ability to ‘create’ miracles and magic of your own. Everything in life is a mystery. Everything in life is a miracle. When you believe in yourself and believe in the possibilities of life; anything can happen. The Maple tree provides you with comfort and support as you progress in your personal journey of creation and mysticism.
The king of the forest is the all mighty Oak. There is not such a stable and grounded tree, than this proud and accomplished symbol of nature. The Oak is the symbol for strength, survival, bravery and personal honor. When the Oak calls to you, it is time for you to recognize the courage and bravery within you. Whatever it is that you have been scared to accomplish; can be crushed with your determination and confidence. If you are feeling weak or helpless within a matter, there is always a way to overcome your issue. The Oak tree wants you to overcome all of your anxiety, anxiousness and nervousness. We are all nature and we all come from the same materials. We are all one. There is nothing ever to fear but fear itself. Stand tall and confident.
The Palm tree is the perfect example of flexibility without breaking. Such peace and contentment come from this tree. When the Palm tree calls to you, it is suggesting that you increase your flexibility with an issue you are dealing with. Be willing to see both sides of any matter. Knowledge is power and power comes from opportunities. It is time to enrich your soul by expanding your views and seeing all sides of every situation. The Palm tree reminds you to stay strong and flexible, yet keeping grounded with a calm and peaceful outlook.
The Pine tree is not only a celebratory holiday tradition, but it is the symbol of peace, miracles and perfection. This tree has always been a shining example of reaching for the stars and working towards your dreams. What is it that you have always wanted to do with your life? Perhaps a hobby, a goal or a career; daydreaming has always been a great start to a new venture. When the Pine tree shows up for you, it asks you to put your life into perspective. Don’t be discouraged by others if your goals and dreams are not that of everyone else’s; that is what makes them so special. The Pine tree is a reminder that YOU are an individual that will contribute to this life in your own way. Be the most authentic you that you can be. Be proud of your life and the way you create it. You are perfect the way you are.
The colorful and creative Rowan tree is full of magic and connection into the world of dreams and fantasy. An ancient symbol of protection and transformation, this red berried tree has been a symbol of higher consciousness and inner awakenings. The Rowan tree calls to those who need to feel more freedom and inspiration in their day to day lives. It’s time to ask yourself, “What is it that will make me feel inspired?” The Rowan tree’s creative encouragement sends to you a message personal growth. It is time to increase your inner vision and start tapping into your inner guidance to start living a life of magic.
The Willow tree is one of the most mysterious and seductive trees. Its feminine energy is a strong symbol of fertility, community and power. It has such a strong presence of balance. Learn from your visions and intuition. The Willow tree provides a nourishing embrace of healing and self love. The Willow tree is an authentic symbol passionate expression. If you feel the Willow calling to you, know that its pure message is asking you to recognize all of the emotions that you feel. No feelings or emotions should ever go unnoticed or be suppressed. Surrender to nature and your intuition. Communicate with your body and notice what your personal vessel is saying to you. Put your inner healing first. Feel... Be... Live.
The breathtaking Wisteria tree blossoms in the most beautiful purple flowers. This captivating tree will grow and flourish with so many blossoms, that its trunks and vines will become so weighed down. The only way that it can stay up, is with support. Wisteria is a symbol of eternal love and romance. It is truly a peaceful example of acting from the heart, over the mind. When the Wisteria tree calls to you it is a sign that you must become aware of the situations you are putting yourself in. You never want to feel weighed down or overloaded with others attitudes or drama. All relationships are give and take. There has to be balance. Make sure you are feeling supported as well as supporting those who you are in relationships with.
Trees have been known to hold magic and wisdom within them. A tree is a symbol of growth, strength and harmony. At times of uncertainty, we can turn to the advice from trees and nature around us... Choose a tree that speaks to you the most. Read the answer below to find out its personal message for you at this time. Please feel free to comment and SHARE!
The Apple tree is Mother Nature at her finest. It is a combination of supply, beauty and stability. For many years, the Apple tree has been a sacred and magical source of food and nourishment. It is a symbol of immorality and abundance. When the Apple tree calls to you, its purity and honesty ask you to stop and think about all that you have been blessed with. What are the blessings in your life? Even if it does not seem that you have many, you always have one to be thankful for - Life. The more gratitude that you feel, the more blessing will come your way. The Apple tree is a reminder to remove all of the blocks within your life that have not been serving you. Show fearlessness as you move forwards into your new life experiences. Mother Nature is always standing beside you. Show gratitude to her by spending time in nature.
The Ash tree is known as ‘The Old World Tree’, full of ancient magical wisdom and mystery. It is the symbol of power through sacrifice and struggle. Through the ages, the Ash tree has been the contributing factor to wizard’s magical wands or sorcerer’s staffs. When the Ash tree calls to you, it wants to remind you that your life does not need to be confined only to necessity. Your life should be filled with pleasure, imagination and happiness. You should feel the universe’s encouraging guide to living a life of ease and flow. It is time for you to trust life and take intuitive action that will help you expand your life experiences. The Ash tree brings you faith and magic. Awaken the idea that you are a being of creation and powerful change. There is no need for struggle and pain. Any obstacles that come into your path, you are the co-creator of. Think ease and flow, and if you believe, you shall receive.
The Birch tree is the absolute symbol of beauty and creativity within the forest. Birch represents new beginnings, establishing boundaries, renewal and purification of your current situation. This tree is strong and can withstand most temperatures; however it can shed its unwanted bark, just as a snake sheds its skin. When the Birch tree calls to you, it is asking you to cleanse and renew a current situation in your life. You have the power to heal and re-create anything you desire. Shed what does not serve you anymore. Leave old habits, old beliefs and negative energy behind you. It is the perfect time for a personal reinvention.
The strong and stable Cedar tree provides protection to so many living things. Its durability and endurance can last for hundreds and hundreds of years. The Cedar tree has quite a simplistic approach to life, much like the message it provides to you. If the Cedar tree calls to you, it is sharing wisdom of safety and healing. Remember that things are always simpler than they appear. You need to TRUST LIFE. Do not over think anything. Keep all things simple, clean and live guided by your heart. When you keep a balanced and uncluttered mind, you will find that you control the power to fix and heal any issue that might come up for you. When you decide to live with simplicity and confidence, you have a great chance of standing strong and living a long and healthy life.
The Cherry tree is a beautiful and fragrant symbol of fragility and life. The Cherry’s first stage is a perfect blossom that stays only a short time before transforming into a delicious and nutritious fruit. It is a perfect example that life is so very precious and short lived. When the Cherry tree calls to you, it is a message of happiness and life. Life is too short to be weighed down by negativity and heaviness. Your life is filled with such sweet and fruitful opportunities; you just have to become aware of them... to be able to take advantage of them. Enjoy the beautiful blossoms. Enjoy the peaceful transformation into rich bountiful fruit. Live everyday as though it is going to be the best day of your life. Your life is beautiful and precious. Carpe Diem!
The Cypress tree is a symbol of solitude and sacrifice. According to ancient stories, the Cypress tree has always been an example of sorrow and reservation. There is no overindulgence what so ever, as the Cypress tree limits its growth in flourishing. When the cypress tree calls to you, it sends a message of inner question. What are you sacrificing in your life? What are you giving up that would be aiding in your true happiness? You are the creator of your own life and only yours. Every individual should have the ability to play out their own journey and destiny. No one should ever be the ‘keeper’ of another. If you are feeling that you have been sacrificing yourself for another or vise versa; take a step back and examine what is really going on. The secret to life really is happiness. Every being on Earth should have the chance to experience it.
The Elm tree is an ancient symbol of friends, family and traditional values. An extremely powerful tree; its beauty also holds warrior like qualities. The Elm tree is full of loyalty. It is the symbol of wearing your heart on your sleeve. It is such a loyal and valuable example of fighting for what you want, even when you have lost all hope in a situation. Elm is a grounded and inspiring tree that stands up to all that looks down upon it. When the Elm tree calls to you, it is sending you a message of hope and resilience. If you believe in something, then it is worth taking a stand for. This world needs more passion towards the things you hold dear. If you are feeling as though you want to give up hope and cannot charge forward any longer, know that your determination and perseverance will pay off. If everyone gave up when things looked bleak, there would have never been any gold metals, any victories won or any major inventions. You too have the ability to stand for what you believe in and come out on top. The Elm tree is always with you for good luck.
For thousands and thousands of years, the Hawthorn tree and its naturally twisted trunk has been a symbol of optimism and mystery. Its promise of strength, renewal and friendship; provide a feeling of balance and ease to all that comes near it. It is the great barrier and protector. The Hawthorn tree symbolizes personal boundaries and personal growth. Like an old wizard with magic all around him, the Hawthorn encourages you to stay confident and powerful through your own personal journeys. When this tree calls to you, it wishes to provide you with a message of adventure and taking action. If you are faced with a challenge at this time, it is important for you to think outside the box. Things can always be approached from another angle. There is always another way.
The Hazelnut tree is a symbol of creativity, passion and craftsmanship. An example of instinct and change, this tree reminds you that you can always turn over a new leaf. You can change anything at any time, even if it is only your perspective on the matter. Darkness can be turned to light. Sadness can be turned to happiness. You can find renewed meaning in any situation. If the Hazelnut tree calls to you, its message is to encourage a new vision. Someone’s garbage is another man’s treasure. It is all about how you look at things. Enjoy every journey in which you create something new. The creation is just as important as the product itself. Turn to family and friends for extra support.
The Maple tree is magical and colorful as it ages with grace and kindness. Such profound beauty and gratitude it shows the Earth from which it grows. The Maple tree is the symbol of practical magic and mystery. When the Maple tree calls to you, it sends you the message, that you too hold the ability to ‘create’ miracles and magic of your own. Everything in life is a mystery. Everything in life is a miracle. When you believe in yourself and believe in the possibilities of life; anything can happen. The Maple tree provides you with comfort and support as you progress in your personal journey of creation and mysticism.
The king of the forest is the all mighty Oak. There is not such a stable and grounded tree, than this proud and accomplished symbol of nature. The Oak is the symbol for strength, survival, bravery and personal honor. When the Oak calls to you, it is time for you to recognize the courage and bravery within you. Whatever it is that you have been scared to accomplish; can be crushed with your determination and confidence. If you are feeling weak or helpless within a matter, there is always a way to overcome your issue. The Oak tree wants you to overcome all of your anxiety, anxiousness and nervousness. We are all nature and we all come from the same materials. We are all one. There is nothing ever to fear but fear itself. Stand tall and confident.
The Palm tree is the perfect example of flexibility without breaking. Such peace and contentment come from this tree. When the Palm tree calls to you, it is suggesting that you increase your flexibility with an issue you are dealing with. Be willing to see both sides of any matter. Knowledge is power and power comes from opportunities. It is time to enrich your soul by expanding your views and seeing all sides of every situation. The Palm tree reminds you to stay strong and flexible, yet keeping grounded with a calm and peaceful outlook.
The Pine tree is not only a celebratory holiday tradition, but it is the symbol of peace, miracles and perfection. This tree has always been a shining example of reaching for the stars and working towards your dreams. What is it that you have always wanted to do with your life? Perhaps a hobby, a goal or a career; daydreaming has always been a great start to a new venture. When the Pine tree shows up for you, it asks you to put your life into perspective. Don’t be discouraged by others if your goals and dreams are not that of everyone else’s; that is what makes them so special. The Pine tree is a reminder that YOU are an individual that will contribute to this life in your own way. Be the most authentic you that you can be. Be proud of your life and the way you create it. You are perfect the way you are.
The colorful and creative Rowan tree is full of magic and connection into the world of dreams and fantasy. An ancient symbol of protection and transformation, this red berried tree has been a symbol of higher consciousness and inner awakenings. The Rowan tree calls to those who need to feel more freedom and inspiration in their day to day lives. It’s time to ask yourself, “What is it that will make me feel inspired?” The Rowan tree’s creative encouragement sends to you a message personal growth. It is time to increase your inner vision and start tapping into your inner guidance to start living a life of magic.
The Willow tree is one of the most mysterious and seductive trees. Its feminine energy is a strong symbol of fertility, community and power. It has such a strong presence of balance. Learn from your visions and intuition. The Willow tree provides a nourishing embrace of healing and self love. The Willow tree is an authentic symbol passionate expression. If you feel the Willow calling to you, know that its pure message is asking you to recognize all of the emotions that you feel. No feelings or emotions should ever go unnoticed or be suppressed. Surrender to nature and your intuition. Communicate with your body and notice what your personal vessel is saying to you. Put your inner healing first. Feel... Be... Live.
The breathtaking Wisteria tree blossoms in the most beautiful purple flowers. This captivating tree will grow and flourish with so many blossoms, that its trunks and vines will become so weighed down. The only way that it can stay up, is with support. Wisteria is a symbol of eternal love and romance. It is truly a peaceful example of acting from the heart, over the mind. When the Wisteria tree calls to you it is a sign that you must become aware of the situations you are putting yourself in. You never want to feel weighed down or overloaded with others attitudes or drama. All relationships are give and take. There has to be balance. Make sure you are feeling supported as well as supporting those who you are in relationships with.
Sunday, February 23, 2014
Cast Iron restore skillet
What You Need
The end chunk of a potato (enough to be able to hold firmly)
Course salt
A rusty cast iron skillet
A little vegetable oil (canola or olive will do)
Gloves (optional, but recommended)
1. Place your rusty skillet in the sink and sprinkle a couple tablespoons of salt into it.
2. Take your chunk of potato and start scrubbing. The moisture from the potato will be enough to help the salt dig in to the rust.
3. The salt will get dirty very quickly. You may choose to rinse out the pan to survey your progress. If there is still rust, add more salt and repeat Step 2.
4. Continue to the sides, edges, bottom and handle of your pan.
5. Rinse thoroughly and pat dry.
6. Place pan on stove burner, this will help dry any remaining moisture.
7. Once dry, put a small amount of vegetable oil in the pan and rub it in with a paper towel.
8. Keep pan over low heat for at least 30 minutes.
9. Let skillet cool. Make sure to wipe off any excess oil before storing your skillet. If you leave extra oil in the pan it can turn rancid.
10. Every time you use your pan, after you've cleaned it (I never use soap, but that's up to you), put the pan on a low burner and repeat the oil and paper towel step. It's best to store your pan in the oven, but it worked much better when stoves had pilot lights that stayed on (thus keeping ambient moisture away from your pans).
Additional Notes: As I said above, I never use soap on my cast iron pans. My dad's way of cleaning was to wipe it out with a paper towel when it was still hot and then run it under some water (if needed), then put it on the stove with a bit of oil to reseason it. Many people do just fine using a mild soap and sponge, but I urge you NOT to scrub it with soap. That action will break down the seasoning you've worked so hard for. You don't want to start from scratch each time you use your pan. It would become a miserable experience and you'll hate your cast iron.
What You Need
The end chunk of a potato (enough to be able to hold firmly)
Course salt
A rusty cast iron skillet
A little vegetable oil (canola or olive will do)
Gloves (optional, but recommended)
1. Place your rusty skillet in the sink and sprinkle a couple tablespoons of salt into it.
2. Take your chunk of potato and start scrubbing. The moisture from the potato will be enough to help the salt dig in to the rust.
3. The salt will get dirty very quickly. You may choose to rinse out the pan to survey your progress. If there is still rust, add more salt and repeat Step 2.
4. Continue to the sides, edges, bottom and handle of your pan.
5. Rinse thoroughly and pat dry.
6. Place pan on stove burner, this will help dry any remaining moisture.
7. Once dry, put a small amount of vegetable oil in the pan and rub it in with a paper towel.
8. Keep pan over low heat for at least 30 minutes.
9. Let skillet cool. Make sure to wipe off any excess oil before storing your skillet. If you leave extra oil in the pan it can turn rancid.
10. Every time you use your pan, after you've cleaned it (I never use soap, but that's up to you), put the pan on a low burner and repeat the oil and paper towel step. It's best to store your pan in the oven, but it worked much better when stoves had pilot lights that stayed on (thus keeping ambient moisture away from your pans).
Additional Notes: As I said above, I never use soap on my cast iron pans. My dad's way of cleaning was to wipe it out with a paper towel when it was still hot and then run it under some water (if needed), then put it on the stove with a bit of oil to reseason it. Many people do just fine using a mild soap and sponge, but I urge you NOT to scrub it with soap. That action will break down the seasoning you've worked so hard for. You don't want to start from scratch each time you use your pan. It would become a miserable experience and you'll hate your cast iron.
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Not Your Average Caramel Pecan Pie
(Read it and see)
Prep: 30 min
Cook: 50 min
Ready In: 1 h 20 min
“Buttery, nutty, and a touch of caramel, this is a very yummy pie! Full of flavor! Serve hot or cold, with a good size dollop of whipped topping or vanilla ice cream.”
1 (9 inch) unbaked pie crust
36 individually wrapped caramels, unwrapped
1/4 cup butter
1/4 cup milk
3/4 cup white sugar
3 eggs
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 cup pecan halves
Yields 1 9-inch pie
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C.) In a saucepan over low heat, combine caramels, butter and milk. Cook, stirring frequently, until smooth. Remove from heat and set aside.
In a large bowl, combine sugar, eggs, vanilla and salt. Gradually mix in the melted caramel mixture. Stir in pecans. Pour filling into unbaked pie crust.
Bake in the preheated oven for 45 to 50 minutes, or until pastry is golden brown. Allow to cool until filling is firm
Xtina tips:
You can use Brown sugar if you'd like. You can alter the sugar amount if you like to your taste. You can use pre melted caramel if you like or even Rolos or Snickers. Use your imagination! Let me know how it turns out!
(Read it and see)
Prep: 30 min
Cook: 50 min
Ready In: 1 h 20 min
“Buttery, nutty, and a touch of caramel, this is a very yummy pie! Full of flavor! Serve hot or cold, with a good size dollop of whipped topping or vanilla ice cream.”
1 (9 inch) unbaked pie crust
36 individually wrapped caramels, unwrapped
1/4 cup butter
1/4 cup milk
3/4 cup white sugar
3 eggs
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 cup pecan halves
Yields 1 9-inch pie
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C.) In a saucepan over low heat, combine caramels, butter and milk. Cook, stirring frequently, until smooth. Remove from heat and set aside.
In a large bowl, combine sugar, eggs, vanilla and salt. Gradually mix in the melted caramel mixture. Stir in pecans. Pour filling into unbaked pie crust.
Bake in the preheated oven for 45 to 50 minutes, or until pastry is golden brown. Allow to cool until filling is firm
Xtina tips:
You can use Brown sugar if you'd like. You can alter the sugar amount if you like to your taste. You can use pre melted caramel if you like or even Rolos or Snickers. Use your imagination! Let me know how it turns out!
Saturday, February 15, 2014
Lisa Cherie's Art Freada Smith ~ LEOPARD
The leopard encourages us to have physical health and vitality. Leopard energy helps us to feel great wherever we may be. Visualise the leopard in your mind every time you need courage, strength and energy. New experiences will seem like a breeze when we have leopard by our side. We will learn to be as adaptable as the leopard, learning to be successful in all areas of our life. The leopard gives us the ability to disappear when we need to, being silent and strong, moving with grace and putting ourselves in the best position and advantage. With the leopard we will know no boundaries.
The leopard encourages us to have physical health and vitality. Leopard energy helps us to feel great wherever we may be. Visualise the leopard in your mind every time you need courage, strength and energy. New experiences will seem like a breeze when we have leopard by our side. We will learn to be as adaptable as the leopard, learning to be successful in all areas of our life. The leopard gives us the ability to disappear when we need to, being silent and strong, moving with grace and putting ourselves in the best position and advantage. With the leopard we will know no boundaries.
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
These 42 flower varieties are safe to consume on a frequent basis:
- American elderberry (Sambucus canadensis)
- Anise hyssop (Agastache foeniculum)
- Arugula (Eruca sativa)
- Basil (Ocimum basilicum)
- Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris)
- Bergamot (Monarda didyma)
- Broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica)
- Cauliflower (Brassica oleracea)
- Chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile)
- Chervil (Anthriscus cerefolium)
- Chinese hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis)
- Chives (Allium schoenoprasum)
- Chicory (Cichorium intybus)
- Chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum spp.)
- Cornflower (Centaurea cyanus)
- Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale)
- Dianthus (Dianthus spp.)
- Dill (Anethum graveolens)
- English marigold (Calendula officinalis)
- English daisy (Bellis perennis)
- Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare)
- Geranium (Pelargonium spp.)
- Hollyhock (Alcea rosea)
- Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica)
- Lavender (Lavandula spp.)
- Lilac (Syringa vulgaris)
- Lovage (Levisticum officinale)
- Mint (Mentha spp.)
- Nasturtium (Tropaeolum majus)
- Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus)
- Passionflower (Passiflora spp.)
- Pineapple sage (Salvia elegans)
- Red clover (Trifolium pratense)
- Rose (Rosa spp.)
- Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)
- Sage (Salvia officinalis)
- Snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus)
- Squash (Cucurbita pepo)
- Sunflower (Helianthus annuus)
- Thyme (Thymus vulgaris)
- Tulip (Tulipa spp.)
- Violet (Viola odorata)
Saturday, February 8, 2014
Cherry Pastry Bars
1 cup butter, softened
2 cup sugar
4 eggs
3 cup flour
1/2 tsp almond extract
1 tsp vanilla
1 large can (21 oz.) cherry pie filling
3 tbsp milk ,
1 tbsp butter, melted
1 tbsp soft cream cheese
5 heaping tablespoons powdered sugar.
Preheat oven 375. Line a 9×13 inch pan with parchment paper.
Cream butter and sugar together until very light and fluffy. Add eggs one at a time, then beat in the extracts. Gradually mix in the flour until well incorporated.
Spread 3/4 of the batter in the bottom pan lined with parchment paper. Scoop cherry pie filling over batter in pan. Drop remaining batter by spoonful’s over the cherries.
Bake for 45 min. Let cool completely.
To make icing whisk together icing ingredients and drizzle over cooled bars before slicing.
1 cup butter, softened
2 cup sugar
4 eggs
3 cup flour
1/2 tsp almond extract
1 tsp vanilla
1 large can (21 oz.) cherry pie filling
3 tbsp milk ,
1 tbsp butter, melted
1 tbsp soft cream cheese
5 heaping tablespoons powdered sugar.
Preheat oven 375. Line a 9×13 inch pan with parchment paper.
Cream butter and sugar together until very light and fluffy. Add eggs one at a time, then beat in the extracts. Gradually mix in the flour until well incorporated.
Spread 3/4 of the batter in the bottom pan lined with parchment paper. Scoop cherry pie filling over batter in pan. Drop remaining batter by spoonful’s over the cherries.
Bake for 45 min. Let cool completely.
To make icing whisk together icing ingredients and drizzle over cooled bars before slicing.
lemon or lime curd
Yield: 2 cups lemon curd
- 6 lemons
- 1/2 cup unsalted butter, softened
- 2 cups granulated sugar
- 4 large eggs
Zest lemons for a total of 2 tablespoons of zest.
Juice lemons for a total of 1 cup of juice.
Using an electric mixer on medium speed, beat butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Add eggs, one at a time, beating until blended after each addition.
Reduce mixer speed to low. Gradually add lemon juice, mixing just until blended. Stir in lemon zest. The mixture will look curdled.
Place mixture in a heavy saucepan. Cook over medium-low to medium heat, whisking constantly. Cook until the mixture thickens and coats the back of a spoon. This should take 15 to 20 minutes.
Transfer mixture to a bowl. Cover with plastic wrap, placing the wrap directly onto the surface of the lemon curd. Chill at least 4 hours.
Store refrigerated up to 2 weeks in an airtight container.
Birth Analysis
Main Title: Life Path
Sub Title: Ascendant In Leo
Key Word: LIFE-PATH: Self-projection
Building up a strong sense of identity is a major motivating factor for you on a professional level, so you will thrive in a high profile job in which you can win recognition. Your ability to succeed is dependant on many other factors in your chart, but major assets will be your self-confidence, charisma and personal style. You may also have access to creative talents which can manifest in many areas of your life, from art to teaching. It is important for you to be at the centre of things, and - other things being equal - other people will accept you as a leader in their group. When you stand out and excel you are at your happiest, and so are other people. If you hide your light under a bushel, nobody is satisfied. As you are extremely aware of your personal power and the influence to have on others, you will be very sensitive to the unavoidable fluctuations in your personal confidence during the years. The older you get, the more secure you feel about your identity.
Main Title: Identity
Sub Title: Sun In Cancer
Key Word: IDENTITY: Sense of belonging.
You are a loyal person easily moved by the bonds of attachment that link you to others - particularly family members. You work best in a secure environment with people you know, and your place of work can be a second family to you. You resent intruders, and it takes time for you to get used to new people in your professional circle. However you are talented at understanding others, and strongly motivated to help care for people. You are a vulnerable person and will seldom forget it if someone harms you, or someone else who you care about. You are particularly attached to your territory and defend it fiercely. Actually you work hard to create a cosy atmosphere at your place of work. You have a natural business talent for increasing your assets. You hang grimly on to professional gains, but often future growth is prevented by past clutter. Economic insecurity can make you physically ill, because you are so attached to home and family and fear loss. But you are dynamic and industrious, so you tend to steadily advance in life.
Main Title: Emotions
Sub Title: Moon In Gemini
Key Word: EMOTIONS: Gather impressions
You are a restless soul with an insatiable appetite for new impressions. This restlessness keeps you on the go, travelling, visiting, making connections and above all assimilating knowledge. Other things being equal, you have superb talent for communicating with other people and this will be a distinct advantage in jobs which require making contacts, selling, telephoning etc. You are good at learning new things fast. You are persuasive, and invest your feelings into what you say. Whilst some may consider your ability to talk on almost any subject rather superficial, you are genuinely fascinated by general conversation and the workings of the mind.
Main Title: Mentality
Sub Title: Mercury In Leo
Key Word: MENTALITY: Self-expression
You have strong opinions and have the ability to win respect when you put across your point of view. You command attention when you express your ideas, and coupled with other factors, this can give you both creative and leadership abilities. Furthermore you have a natural charm and have a way of making people feel that they are important. On the other hand you also know how to put people down. You may lack mental flexibility. Convinced that your point of view is correct, you have a tendency to show contempt for inferior ideas. However, good manners are an integral part of your nature, so you are seldom downright rude. You can make a very good representative for your company because of your innate dignity and style.
Main Title: Values
Sub Title: Venus In Gemini
Key Word: VALUES: Enjoy meeting people
There is a natural talent for communication, often on a creative or aesthetic level. Professionally this gives a number of valuable abilities, not least a charming persuasiveness. You will thrive in situations in which you are required to meet people. You are good a facilitating contact, and may also have talents connected with personnel. As you have extremely good literary judgement, you may wish to try your hand at writing. You have the ability to make rapid adjustments when meeting others, and there is a talent for really reaching people mentally. You will not thrive in an isolated position. You need social stimulation and a variety of tasks to perform. Your friendships will be a powerful resource in your life.
Main Title: Drives
Sub Title: Mars In Cancer
Key Word: DRIVES: Working with instincts
You work hard to create security and are strongly motivated to create a strong base. Thus home and family are basic issues for you when considering a career. Strong attachments are formed to the people in the working environment, and if treated well you are very loyal indeed. However you are sensitive and can take offence easily. When your feelings are hurt you react very powerfully on an emotional level, and can be very temperamental - or just grumpy. You work best when in a job which demands a lot emotionally - perhaps a job with a caring function. There is considerable talent for dealing with the land, or with houses. You can be very warm and supportive, but otherwise you are a private person, very protective of yourself and those closest to you. There may be certain psychic talents apparent - in particular a well-developed intuition.
Main Title: Wisdom
Sub Title: Jupiter In Cancer
Key Word: WISDOM: Expand your intimate sphere
Professionally you are inclined towards a career in which loyalty to the firm is a high priority, and where there is a strong sense of belonging. You are able to express a strong concern for the well-being of your associates, and you can create a very secure environment. Understanding and insight comes to you through an instinctive feeling about what is right and what is wrong. You are strongly swayed by your emotional convictions in your judgements, for good or ill. You manifest a strong moral judgement. Personal success may not be quite so important to you as the well being of those you are close to, but these two things are not mutually exclusive - you tend to experience good fortune. By trusting in your intuitions, and by putting the weight of strong feelings behind expansion goals you create the optimal conditions for success.
Main Title: Challenges
Sub Title: Saturn In Pisces Retrograde
Key Word: SELF-RELIANCE: Transcendence of ambition
This planet is retrograde, and in the areas concerned you have a tendency to go against the grain, harvesting experiences of an intensely personal nature and drawing your own special conclusions.
Saturn is to be found in this sign in the periods 1935-38, 1964-67 and 1993-96, and during these periods there was a profound awareness of social needs and a desire to improve the situation of the underprivileged. If you come to express this influence in your career, you will be motivated by a deep concern, and will find success in a job in which you could help those who cannot help themselves. If you can overcome inner blockages, you may also discover a creative talent. It can be difficult for you to reconcile the drive to achieve, which you see motivates others, with the awareness that many people never make it to the top. You are therefore not motivated by the allure of success, or if you think you are it will prove elusive. To achieve success in life it is important for you to overcome depressive tendencies and lack of faith in yourself, and replace negativity with a compassionate attitude. Success may involve an element of sacrifice.
Main Title: Originality
Sub Title: Uranus In Virgo
Key Word: ORIGINALITY: Liberation from labour
Uranus takes 84 years to orbit the Sun and is in this sign for 7 years, representing a collective influence on a whole generation. It shows how you are most influenced by revolutionary attitudes in society. When the Ascendant is in Aquarius this influence will be expressed in a more personal way.
Uranus went through the sign of Virgo from 1962 to 1968 and will do so again from 2046 to 2052. Collectively these are periods of great labour unrest, partly as a result of technological breakthroughs which both bring freedom from monotonous employment through automation, and transform the attitude of society to work in general. This influence heralds a period of change as regards health reform, bringing radical new views about the relationship between mind and body, and removing responsibility for personal health from authorities.
Should you manifest this collective influence in a personal way, you will wish to make a personal statement through the way you work, creating alternatives to traditional modes of work integration. Nine-to-five jobs will not appeal, as you believe in the individual's right to administer his or her own time. You may have some unusual talents or interests regarding health, perhaps because of a need to resolve imbalances in your own body.
Main Title: Transcendence
Sub Title: Neptune In Scorpio Retrograde
Key Word: TRANSCENDENCE: Transmutation
This planet is retrograde, and in the areas concerned you have a tendency to go against the grain, harvesting experiences of an intensely personal nature and drawing your own special conclusions.
Neptune takes 165 years to orbit the Sun, and approximately 14 years to go through one sign. Its influence affects a whole generation, and is associated with a new sensory and spiritual awareness, and greater compassion, in connection with the sign it is in. For most people this influence is experienced on a collective level, but those who have their Ascendant in Pisces will express it in a personal way in their lives.
Neptune was in Scorpio from 1793 to 1806, and again from 1955 to 1970. There was a deep collective awakening of hidden emotional drives at this time, especially activated by musical developments and the influence of the media. The deepest fears of humanity seeped to the surface, and people were forced to develop new attitudes to death and destruction - a process which on the one hand enriched society on a spiritual level, and on the other created a certain mass hysteria.
If you channel this collective influence in a personal way, you will have a deep fascination with hidden and tabu matters, and with sexuality and the occult. At the same time there may be musical or magical talents which enable you to mobilise hidden powers to awaken others. Your search to satisfy your desires turns out to be a spiritual dead-end, and you learn quickly that the more you fan the flames of desire, the brighter burns the flame. Greater satisfaction is attained when you use your talents on a higher emotional or spiritual level.
Main Title: Transformation
Sub Title: Pluto In Virgo
Key Word: TRANSFORMATION: Servitude transformation
Pluto has an irregular orbit around the Sun which takes about 248 years. When Pluto is closest to the Sun it takes only 12 years to traverse a sign. When it is furthest away, it takes approximately 30 years. Its influence is felt collectively on a very deep level in society, bringing trauma, transformation and renewal in regard to the sign it is in. Individuals with their Ascendant in Scorpio may express this influence in a personal way, otherwise its effect is expressed as an underlying influence on a whole generation.
Pluto was in Virgo from 1711 to 1725, and again from 1957 to 1971. Major transformation in employment trends took place at these times because of developments in technology which undermined traditional crafts and professions. These changes had a profound affect in both the factory and the land through industrial and agricultural reform. Socially there was a greater emphasis on services and health reform, with new developments - and a certain fanaticism - as regards hygiene and cleanliness.
If you are able to channel this collective influence in a personal way you may have certain interests or talents in matters of health. You are especially aware of the interrelation of body and mind, and may have some troubling ailments as a result of this interplay, or as a result of oversensitivity to additives and impurities in food or other substances which you encounter in your daily life. Daily relations with friends in your place of work may also force you to re-evaluate social bonds. Difficulties in securing employment, or a feeling of being misused at work may force you to change direction in your profession. You have the capacity to enact deep-seated changes in social service functions in society.
Main Title: Destiny
Sub Title: N. Node In Taurus
Key Word: DESTINY: Into a safe harbour
Strong survival instincts are a major motivational force in your career. Unconscious and seemingly irrational fears that you will lose whatever you have built up because of some supposed future upheaval can make you reluctant to embark on any long-term project. The basic foundation of your life is rocky, and makes success difficult. It is therefore important for you to embark on a thorough reorganisation of your values in life, and set out to create a solid economic foundation. Some emotional trauma may lie at the root of your deep-felt need for security, and by learning more abou
t your psychological make-up you can pave the way for economic success. Achieving your economic goals and attaining security can give you a deeply-felt calm.
Main Title: Destiny
Sub Title: N. Node In Taurus
Key Word: DESTINY: Into a safe harbour
Strong survival instincts are a major motivational force in your career. Unconscious and seemingly irrational fears that you will lose whatever you have built up because of some supposed future upheaval can make you reluctant to embark on any long-term project. The basic foundation of your life is rocky, and makes success difficult. It is therefore important for you to embark on a thorough reorganisation of your values in life, and set out to create a solid economic foundation. Some emotional trauma may lie at the root of your deep-felt need for security, and by learning more about your psychological make-up you can pave the way for economic success. Achieving your economic goals and attaining security can give you a deeply-felt calm.
Main Title: Destiny
Sub Title: N. Node In Taurus
Key Word: DESTINY: Into a safe harbour
Strong survival instincts are a major motivational force in your career. Unconscious and seemingly irrational fears that you will lose whatever you have built up because of some supposed future upheaval can make you reluctant to embark on any long-term project. The basic foundation of your life is rocky, and makes success difficult. It is therefore important for you to embark on a thorough reorganisation of your values in life, and set out to create a solid economic foundation. Some emotional trauma may lie at the root of your deep-felt need for security, and by learning more about your psychological make-up you can pave the way for economic success. Achieving your economic goals and attaining security can give you a deeply-felt calm.
Main Title: Destiny
Sub Title: N. Node In Taurus
Key Word: DESTINY: Into a safe harbour
Strong survival instincts are a major motivational force in your career. Unconscious and seemingly irrational fears that you will lose whatever you have built up because of some supposed future upheaval can make you reluctant to embark on any long-term project. The basic foundation of your life is rocky, and makes success difficult. It is therefore important for you to embark on a thorough reorganisation of your values in life, and set out to create a solid economic foundation. Some emotional trauma may lie at the root of your deep-felt need for security, and by learning more about your psychological make-up you can pave the way for economic success. Achieving your economic goals and attaining security can give you a deeply-felt calm.
Main Title: Houses General
Sub Title: 1st House
Key Word: Self-projection
The 1st House is connected with the projection of personal character out into the world. It is strongly related to the personal appearance, and in particular to the head. The first house gives a strong self-awareness and self-absorption. Planets placed in this house play a dominant role in personal character and have high visibility. The individual identifies strongly with them for good or ill. This house is connected with the actual birth process, and the cusp of the first house - the Ascendant - is the point of transition from non-being into being. This house can be seen as pure expression of identity and projection of being.
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Friday, February 7, 2014
Learning your ABC’s for Witches and Pagans-
This would be a cute way to teach your little witchlings.
A is Athame, the knife ...that we use
B is for Beltane, when partners we choose
C is for Circle where we all are one.
D is for Deosil, path of the Sun.
E is for Esbat, when we gather round
F is for Fire and its crackling sound
G is the Goddess in beauty and love.
H is the Horned One, our Father above.
I is for Imbolg, candles light the way,
J is for June when it’s Midsummer’s Day
K is for Karma, the things that we do
L is for Lammas, harvest’s almost through!
M is for Moon, riding way up so high,
N is for Nighttime, which darkens the sky
O is for Ostara, when we hunt for eggs,
P is for Pan, with hairy goat legs
Q is the Quarters and there are just four,
R for the Rites when we open the Door
S is for Samhain, end of the year,
T is for Tarot cards, futures to hear
U is Undines from the watery West
V is Vervain for protection and rest
W’s Widdershins, the path of the moon.
X is the sign that’s the sign of the God
Y is for Yule and the sun’s return
Z is the Zodiac, 12 signs to learn
This would be a cute way to teach your little witchlings.
A is Athame, the knife ...that we use
B is for Beltane, when partners we choose
C is for Circle where we all are one.
D is for Deosil, path of the Sun.
E is for Esbat, when we gather round
F is for Fire and its crackling sound
G is the Goddess in beauty and love.
H is the Horned One, our Father above.
I is for Imbolg, candles light the way,
J is for June when it’s Midsummer’s Day
K is for Karma, the things that we do
L is for Lammas, harvest’s almost through!
M is for Moon, riding way up so high,
N is for Nighttime, which darkens the sky
O is for Ostara, when we hunt for eggs,
P is for Pan, with hairy goat legs
Q is the Quarters and there are just four,
R for the Rites when we open the Door
S is for Samhain, end of the year,
T is for Tarot cards, futures to hear
U is Undines from the watery West
V is Vervain for protection and rest
W’s Widdershins, the path of the moon.
X is the sign that’s the sign of the God
Y is for Yule and the sun’s return
Z is the Zodiac, 12 signs to learn
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
1 strawberry cake mix
2 eggs
1/2 cup vegetable oil
1/2 cup coconut
or to make chocolate cookie
1 chocolate cake mix
2 eggs
1/2 cup oil
1/2 cup mini chocolate chips
Mix eggs and vegetable oil until well combined. Stir in cake mix and add ins; drop by teaspoons onto greased cookie sheet. Cook for 8-10 minutes at 350 F.
1 strawberry cake mix
2 eggs
1/2 cup vegetable oil
1/2 cup coconut
or to make chocolate cookie
1 chocolate cake mix
2 eggs
1/2 cup oil
1/2 cup mini chocolate chips
Mix eggs and vegetable oil until well combined. Stir in cake mix and add ins; drop by teaspoons onto greased cookie sheet. Cook for 8-10 minutes at 350 F.
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