The Pagan Gods and Goddesses have been mentioned in history for over 10,000 years. In Witchcraft, we can choose to believe and work with the Gods, or not. Some witches do not believe in deities, whilst others do. Here is a short list of various deities.
Cernunnos - Horned God and consort of the Lady. Also Kernunnos.
Norns - The three sisters of the Wyrd.
The Morrigan - Goddess of Water and Magick.
Brigid - Warrior-Goddess and Protectress. Brigid is also a Triple Goddess.
Agnus of the Brugh - God of Youth, The Son of Dagda
Badba - Goddess of war. Sometimes seen as one of the triple aspects of the Morrigan
Dagda - Earth God and Father God.
Adonis - Greek; consort of Aphrodite.
Aphrodite - Goddess of passionate, sexual love.
Apollo - God of the Sun, Light and Arts.
Artemis - Goddess of the Moon.
Eros - God of Romance and Passionate Love.
Astarte - Fertility Goddess. (Also Sumerian)
Hymen - God of Marriage and Commitment.
Athena - Warrior Goddess and Goddess of Wisdom.
Pan - God of Nature and the Woods, Laughter and Passion.
Demeter - Earth Mother archetype.
Poseidon - God of the Sea.
Dryads - Feminine spirits of the trees.
Zeus - King of the Greek Gods. God of Thunder and Lightning.
Hecate or Hekate- Moon Goddess as in Crone or Dark Mother. Goddess of the crossroads and witchcraft.
Hades - Zeus's brother and god of the underworld.
Hera - Goddess of marriage.
Ares - God of War.
Hestia - Goddess of Home and Hearth
Muses - Goddesses of Inspiration.
Selene - Goddess of the Moon and Solutions.
Rhea - Titan Goddess of the earth. Queen of the Titans.
Cronos - King of the Titan Gods.
Hermes - Messenger of the Olympian Gods.
Apollo - God of the Sun, Light and Arts. (Also Greek)
Ceres - Goddess of the Harvest.
Diana - Moon Goddess and Goddess of the Hunt.
Flora - Goddess of Spring and Birth.
Fortuna - Goddess of Fate and Fortune.
Venus - Goddess of Love and Romance.
Vesta - Goddess of Fire.
Jupiter - King of the Gods
Pluto - God of the Underworld.
Mars - God of War
Neptune - God of the seas
Anubis - God of the dead and mummification.
Bast or Bastet - Goddess of Protection, cats, the sun and moon, joy, music and magick.
Horus - God of the all seeing eye and healing.
Hathor - Protectress of Women in Business.
Osiris - Consort of Isis, King and God of the Underworld (Duat)
Isis - Represents the Complete Goddess or the Triple Goddess connotation in one being. Goddess of motherhood and magick.
Ptah - Expert craftsman and designer. God of creative enterprise with the hands. Creator of the Universe
Ma'at - Goddess of Justice and Divine Order.
Thoth - God of Reincarnation, writing and magicks.
Nephtys - Goddess of Surprises, Sisters and Midwives, sister of Isis and Osiris as well as sister/wife of Seth/Set.
Nuit - Sky Mother.
Geb - Earth God.
Sekhmet - Goddess of war. Protector of Amun Ra. Counterpart of Bastet.
Ra or Amun-Re - King of the Gods, God of the sun and creator of man and beast.
Set - God of chaos and destruction.
Odin - Counterpart of Freya. King of the Norse Gods.
Freya - Moon Goddess and lover of Odin.
Skadi - She is the goddess of winter, and is associated with hunting.
Aegir - (or Hler) He is the god of the sea, and dwells on the island of Lessoe (or Hlesey).
Fulla - This beautiful maiden was Frigga's attendant.
Balder - He is the god of innocence and light.
Idun - She is the personification of spring and youth
Forseti - He is the god of justice, and the son of Balder and Nanna
Lorelei - She is a water nymph, and daughter to Father Rhine.
Loki - The trickster god is the son of two giants
Ran - This goddess is Aegir's wife.
Thor - Powerful God. Son of Odin. God of lightning and thunder.
Sif - Thor's wife.
Uller - God of Winter
The Sumerian Gods and Goddesses AKA (Anunnaki)
This section is written by: Dragon Dark Wolf
To begin I will talk about the Primordial Gods and Goddesses, Primordials are preexisting to the Anunnaki.
Primordial Gods and Goddesses of Sumeria
Tiamat - Tiamat is the Primordial Chaos Dragon,she is also Primordial Goddess of the Ocean.She is consort of Abzu and Kingu.Tiamat is also the first name of the earth in Sumeria.She is the mother of the first set of Gods and Goddesses ,She is believed to be defeated by marduk.
Absu -He is the Primordial fresh water ,Absu is the father of the Gods and Goddesses,Consort to Tiamat.The Absu is also the name of the deep water Enki made his home at.
Kingu-Was another consort of Tiamat,He was also the general of Tiamats Army.His blood was used to to help create humans.
Lahmu- Is the Father of Anshar and Kishar
Lahamu-Is the Mother of Anshar and Kishar
Anshar-Is the Father of Anu and Antu
Kishar-The Mother of Anu and Antu
Now we have the the Anunnaki
Annunaki Gods and Goddesses
Anu-The Supreme God of the Anunnaki,He resided in the Heavens and didn't take much interest in Earth affairs unless he was needed.His consorts were Antu,Nammu, and possibly Innana.Anu was part of the 7 who decree fate and was the father of many of the Anunnaki Gods and Goddesses
Antu-She is known as an Earth Goddess one of her names were Ki which is the name of Earth.She is the Mother of Enlil.She is a good Goddess to worship or do rituals for the Earth.
Nammu-Is a Goddess of the Sea,She is mother to Enki and Ereshkigal who were twins.She is also considered to be mother of many of the Anunnaki.It is believed in some myths to have gone to Enki to have him create workers to relieve the Anunnaki workers.
Alalu-Is the father of Ninki,It is believed Alalu was the first of the Gods and Goddesses to come to Earth.In his battle with Anu over the Earth he lost and was sent to live on Mars for the remainder of his life.Information on him is hard to find.
Enlil- Is an air God he is also King over the Anunnaki Gods and Goddesses on Earth 2nd only to Anu.He often had arguments with Enki his half brother.Enlil's parents were Anu and Antu.His Name means Lord of Air
Ninlil- Is an air Goddess,She is the Wife of Enlil and also the Queen of the Anunnaki on Earth.It is believed Enlil and Ninlil are the Parents of Nergal,Ninanazu,.Her name means Lady Air
Enki-Is a Water God,His name means Lord of the Earth,He along with Ninhursag,Ninki,and in some myths Ningshzidda created humans to relieve the Anunnaki workers,He is thought to have taken the blood of Kingu and mix it with Earth to create Humans.In one Myth Enki is thought to have followed his twin sister Ereshkigal the Underworld to save her, he is credited with defeating Kur The Dragon of the Underworld.His abode is in the Abzu which is considered the deepest parts of freshwater.He would often have disagreements with his half brother Enlil.He is the Father of marduk,sometimes Ningshzidda,Ninsar,Dumuzi,and many other Gods and Goddesses.
Ninki-Is the wife of Enki,She is Daughter of Alalu mother to Marduk.She is the Goddess of Fresh Waters.Her name means Lady Earth.Ninki is thought to have been the first Goddess to have the first Humans created put into her womb.
Ninhursag-She is Half sister of Enki and thought to be the mother of many of Enki's children.She was also in some myths to be given the name Ki.She is a major Mother Goddess in Sumerian belief.She also is believed to have birthed some of Enlil's children as well.Ninhursag is credited with helping Enki Create Humans.
Apsu - (Babylonian) His mate is Tiamat.
Aradia - (Italian) Queen of the Witches, daughter of Diana.
Lucifer or Phosphorus - (Italian) Soulmate and Brother of Diana. God of the Sun and Light.
Canola - Goddess who created music
Mithras or Mithra - (Persian) Sun God and bringer of Light.
Cebhfhionn - (y-von) Goddess of inspiration.
Shiva - (Hindu) Consort of Kali. God of the universal cycle of birth-death-rebirth.
Cerridwen - (Welsh) Moon and Harvest Goddess.
Druantia - Fire tree Goddess
Inanna - (Sumerian) Goddess representation of the Mother. Goddess of love and war.
Kali - (Hindu) Creative/Destructive Goddess.
Lilith - (Hebrew) Originally Pagan Goddess of magick and mystery.
Munanna - Bird goddess.
Urairbhuidhe - Bird Goddess.
Hella - (Sweden, Norway, Finland and the Kola Peninsula) Mother of the Mountain .